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Treatment of Intestinal Worms
Dietary restrictions and herbs are the two major parts of treatment of intestinal worms through alternative medicine.

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Treatment of Intestinal WormsMany alternative treatment methods are followed for the treatment of intestinal worms. The treatment methods like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy or nature care, etc. are regularly used for treatment of intestinal worms. All these methods have been proved to be effective in treating the worms. Almost all the medical methods use herbs and natural ingredients for preparing medicines to cure intestinal worms.

The traditional Indian medication, Ayurveda, is known for effectively treating the intestinal worms. Ayurvedic medicine provides an effective means of treating intestinal infection. Ayurvedic treatment of intestinal worms is done by using various medicinal herbs like Ajwain, Bael, Karpoora, Palasha, Sabja, Vidanga, etc. The herbs like barberry, goldenseal, oregon grape, tea tree oil, anise, wormwood, wormseed, pumpkin seeds, curled mint, black walnuts, etc. are used for treatment of intestinal worms. The other herbs used in curing intestinal worms are anise, cloves, gentian, neem, olive leaf, oregano, propolis, thyme, etc. The herbs help in soothing the problems caused due to intestinal worms and also try to eliminate the worms from the body. Generally, the Ayurvedic preparations like Khadi Arishta, Vidanga Arishta, Deva Darya Arishta, Danga Asava; Loha Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Chandra Sooradi Kashaya; Vidanagadi Choorna; Bimbi Ghritam, Vidanagadi Ghritam; Krimi Vikarprakadha; Rasa Karpoora, Vidanga Lauha, Kurmi Mudgarasa, Kurmikutara Rasa; Krimi Shodhini, Kankana Gutika, etc. are used for treatment of intestinal worms.

Treatment of Intestinal Worms In Homoeopathy also, the treatment of intestinal worms is done using various herbs and natural ingredients. The patient`s constitutional type like his physical, emotional and intellectual stability, etc. is taken into account during Homoeopathic treatment. All these factors are thoroughly assessed before determining the appropriate remedy. The most frequently used remedies in Homoeopathy for treating intestinal worms include Cina, Cuprum oxidatum nigrum, Indigo, Teucrium, Podophyllum, Spigelia, Sabadilla, Stanum, etc.

Naturopathy or nature care is another effective way for the treatment of intestinal worms. Diet forms an important part in treating intestinal worms through nature care. Eating an exclusive diet of fresh fruits for five to seven days helps in treating intestinal worms. Adopting a well-balanced light diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, milk and whole meal bread may also help fighting against worms. One should avoid taking fatty foods like butter, cream, oil, refined foods and all kinds of meats. It is advised to continue this diet till the parasites are completely eliminated. However, the all-fruit diet may be repeated at regular intervals in some cases depending on the progress of the patient. Sometimes, patients are advised to start short fasts on raw fruit and vegetable juices. The duration of this fast may be longer in case of tapeworms.

Some specific dietary regulations are also recommended at times for treating intestinal worms. The dietary recommendations are made for supporting the intestinal parasite cleansing process. It is advised to avoid coffee, refined sugar, alcohol and refined foods temporarily. Eating anti-parasitic foods and raw garlic is also suggested during treatment of intestinal worms. Eating a diet rich in pineapple may help clear certain parasites like tapeworms. The other food items advised to consume during treatment of intestinal worms include the carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, turmeric, cloves, etc.

There are many home remedies used for the treatment of intestinal worms as well. Coconut is an ancient remedy and is considered the most effective home remedy for worms. It can expel all types of intestinal worms found in human beings. Fresh garlic and its oil are also used as home remedy for treatment of intestinal worms. This is an ancient method of medication and garlic has worm-killing properties and a powerful penetrative force. Carrot can help in eliminating threadworms in children. Papaya seeds are also effective in expelling roundworms. The bark, root and stems of the pomegranate tree are also well known for their anthelmintic properties and can destroy parasitic worms, especially the tapeworms. The other methods used for treating intestinal worms include acupuncture and massage.

In treatment of intestinal worms, the alternative medicine methods are mainly used as supportive therapies to the conventional medical treatments. All the above mentioned therapies are already proved as effective for treating the worms and they have no side effects as well.

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