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Treatment of Hiatus hernia
Various alternative medicinal methods like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy are used for treatment of hiatus herni.

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Treatment of Hiatus herniaFound quite commonly among the people aged above 60 years, Hiatus hernia is an anatomical abnormality of esophagus and involves the organs like stomach and chest. The treatment of hiatus hernia is done following several alternative medicinal methods. However, most of the times, no treatment of hiatus hernia is needed, as it does not cause any serious problems. Immediate treatment is required only if any symptom of the disease is found. Apart from the conventional treatment methods, the traditional treatment methods like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy or nature care, Magnetic therapy, Herbal treatment; Acupressure, Aromatherapy, etc. are followed for treating hiatus hernia.

In Ayurveda, hiatus hernia is known as vidagajrina. Ayurveda describes the factors like obesity, over-eating and intake of spicy and sour foods, as the main causes for this disorder. It also considers psychological factors like stress, anxiety, tension, anger and fear, as risk factors for hiatus hernia. According to Ayurveda, hiatus hernia may manifest into extremely painful ulcers. The main objective of Ayurvedic treatment of hiatus hernia is to balance body energies and restore healthy digestion. The Ayurvedic treatment of hiatus hernia usually takes a long period; however, once a person is fully cured, he can be assured that the disorder would never occur again throughout his life.

Homoeopathy is used quite effectively for treatment of hiatus hernia. In Homoeopathy, the medicines like Argentum nitricum, Arsenicum album, Carbo vegetabillis, Lycopodium, etc. are most commonly used for treating the disorder. All these medicines are prepared using various herbs and natural ingredients. The main objective of Homoeopathic treatment of hiatus hernia is to cure the disorder and also to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Naturopathy or nature care is another effective way for treatment of hiatus hernia. In Naturopathy, treatment is done through exercises and through different dietary restrictions. During the initial stages of treating hiatus hernia, the patient is advised to raise the head end of the bed, so that the regurgitation of food during the night can be prevented. In Naturopathy, the patients are also advised to do certain exercises, as both relaxation and diaphragmatic breathing is necessary, during treatment of hiatus hernia.
Treatment of Hiatus hernia
Various Yogic Asanas are sometimes used for treatment of hiatus hernia, as they are quite helpful in decreasing the pressure in abdominal cavity. The Asanas like Bhadrasana, Ardha-halasana, Viparitakarani, Pawanmuktasana, Yoga mudra, (in padmasana), Naukasana (in supine position), Setubandhasana and Shavasana, are most commonly advised for treatment of hiatus hernia. These Asanas help in relaxing all the time and thereby preventing the building up of physical and mental tensions. Sometimes, the patients are also advised to practise Uddiyana and Agnisara (mild and in supine position), Anuloma--Viloma Pranayama, along with Om recitation, for treating hiatus hernia.

The treatment of hiatus hernia is quite extensively done, following certain dietary restrictions. The people suffering from hiatus hernia are often advised to consume a well-balanced diet. They are advised to take carrot juice and observe certain precautions in their eating habits. Taking water with meals, except half an hour before or one hour after a meal, is restricted in treatment of hiatus hernia. This helps the digestive system to function properly and reduce the incidence of heartburn. It also increases the overall weight in the stomach and slows down the digestive process by diluting the digestive juices. Taking frequent small meals instead of three large meals are advised in treatment of hiatus hernia, as thorough mastication of food is essential both to break up the food into small particles and to slow down the rate of intake.

In treatment of hiatus hernia through diet, it is advisable for the patients to consume diets consisting of seeds, nuts, whole cereal grains, vegetables and fruits, etc. More concentration should be given on fresh fruits, raw or lightly cooked vegetables and sprouted seeds. The diet should comprise fruits, vegetables, protein, carbohydrates and fat. Drinking raw juices extracted from fresh fruits and vegetables, half an hour before each meal, is considered helpful. The carrot juice is considered especially beneficial, as it is rich in vitamin A and calcium and has a restorative effect. The over-processed food items like white bread and sugar, cakes and biscuits, rice puddings and overcooked vegetables, etc. should be avoided, during treatment of hiatus hernia.

Apart from these dietary restrictions, avoiding extremes in temperature, in both food and drink and sipping them slowly, is also helpful in treatment of hiatus hernia through diet. The patient is suggested to avoid condiments, pickles, strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and smoking, during treatment of hiatus hernia. Other lifestyle changes like not going to bed on a full stomach; wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothes; quitting smoking habit, as it increases the risks of reflux problems; losing extra weight; etc. are also advised during treatment of hiatus hernia.

Magnetic therapy is another medicinal method that is proved significantly effective for treatment of hiatus hernia. According to Magnetic Therapy, the south-pole oil is advised to apply over the hernia and the South Pole SEM is required to be placed, over that. Usually, two to three sittings are sufficient to relieve the pain in acute cases of hiatus hernia. However, the general application of the magnets to the soles of feet is also sometimes made in addition to the local application, in chronic cases. Application of mixed magnetised water is advised to take thrice daily for strengthening the muscles and the ligaments. Aromatherapy is sometimes used for treatment of hiatus hernia. There are many essential oils in Aromatherapy that help improving digestion. The oils made from bergamot, frankincense, lavender, neroli, peppermint, theme, etc. are some of the most commonly used oils amongst them.

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