Trayodasha Mukhi Rudraksha denotes Lord Indra and Kamadeva. This rudraksha is also very effective for meditation and spiritual gain. Trayodasha Mukhi Rudraksha brings material upliftment and spiritual knowledge by enhancing the effects of Venus. It is an extremely rare rudraksha and possesses immense powers. It is also known to help in attaining Moksha. This rudraksha fulfills all the desires of the wearer. It gets the blessings of Vishvadevas themselves. It grants a healthy mind and luxurious life to its owner. Apabharani, Purvaphalguni or Purvashada Nakshatra borne is ideal for wearing this rudraksha.
Wearer of Trayodasha Mukhi Rudraksha
Trayodasha Mukhi Rudraksha is worn by a person who wants to attract and influence masses. Thus, the bead is very beneficial for Entertainers, Professional Negotiators, Company Presidents, Politicians and Professionals engaged in fields like Finance, Medical, Research and Science. This Rudraksha also improves performance as well as self confidence of its wearer by increasing his charm.
Mantras of Trayodasha Mukhi Rudraksha
"Om Namah Shivay", this mantra can be used for all Rudraksha. Any of the following Mantras can be used for Trayodasha Mukhi Rudraksha:
•"Om Hreem Namah Namah" - Shiva Mahapuran
•"Om Kshaun" - Padma Puran
•"Om Kshayem Staum Namah" - Skanda Puran
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