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Toothache is the pain in teeth and/or their supporting structures. It is caused due to many reasons.

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Toothache, NaturopathyToothache is a pain in or around a tooth that may be caused by tooth decay, abscessed tooth, tooth fracture, a damaged filling and infected gums. In Hindi, it is called "Daant ka Dard". Pain sometimes originates from other areas and radiates to the jaw, thus appearing to be tooth pain. The most common areas include the jaw joint, ear pain and even occasional heart problems.

Cause of Toothache
Toothache is caused due to many reasons, most of which concern to local infections. Toothache or tooth pain is caused when the nerve root of a tooth is irritated. Dental infection, decay, injury or loss of a tooth is the most common causes of dental pain. Pain may also occur after an extraction i.e. in case the tooth is pulled out.

Natural Remedies to Cure Toothache
Nature has immense power to cure any kind of human ailments. Even toothache can be treated with some common herbs at home if the exact reason behind it can be identified. Some of the common remedies are as follows:

Toothache, Naturopathy
•Among the most effective home remedies for toothache is garlic. A clove of garlic with a little rock salt should be placed on the effective tooth.
•Another effective home remedy for toothache is the use of clove. A clove can also be chewed daily in the morning. It will relieve the pain and also cure it. It also helps decrease infection due to its antiseptic properties. Clove when applied to a cavity in a decayed tooth usually relieves toothache.
•The use of asafoetida has been found useful in curing toothache. It should be pestled in lemon juice and slightly heated. A cotton swab should be soaked in this lotion and placed in the cavity of the tooth. This action readily relieves the pain.
•Lime is a rich source of vitamin C and that is why it is useful in maintaining the health of the teeth. It prevents decay and also loosing of the teeth. It also resists dental carries, toothache and bleeding of the gums.
•In case of decay or crumbling of a tooth, latex of the Madar plant should be used. It kills the organisms, which produce the caries.

Diet for Toothache
Diet is the most important part in dental disorders. Sticky substances, which may adhere to the teeth, should be avoided, as also sugar and other sweets. Fruits like guava, pomegranate, orange and other fruits of the citrus family are beneficial as they contain Vitamin C. Vitamin C strengthens the gums.

Treatment for Toothache
Treatment for a toothache depends on the cause. If a cavity is causing the toothache, a dentist will fill the cavity or possibly extract the tooth, if necessary. Proper identification and treatment of dental infections is important to prevent its spread to other parts of the face and skull.

Dental Care for Toothache
Every person should give a lot of importance to preventing toothaches. The right way of brushing, flossing and tongue cleaning are extremely essential. Toothpaste containing fluoride can be helpful in maintaining good health of teeth. Some precautions are need to be taken when toothache occurs; like one must not eat or drink things that are too hot or cold, not to chew on the affected side because food particles get stuck in the tooth and increase pain and also should not consume foods that are acidic in nature. Toothache can be completely cured with the right treatment.

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