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Tinkitam Rayong is a beautiful small village located in Sikkim. It is the home of Indian Soccer Captain, Baichung Bhutia.

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Tinkitam, SikkimTinkitam Rayong is a charming village in the Indian State of Sikkim. The town is located 45 minutes from the district headquarters Namchi. It is 29 km distance away from its State Main City Gangtok. Sikip, Lamting Tingmo, Tinkitam Rayong, Wak Omchu, Sanganath, are some of the villages along with this village in the same Sikip Tehsil. The village at present has become a famous tourist spot in Sikkim that is visited by many people. The village provides an imposing view of the Kanchenjanga Peak that lies in the background of the town.

The main economy of Tinkitam Rayong is the cardamom plantations. The area is also the natural habitat of a rare species of orchid, Paphiopedilum Faireanum or ladys slipper as it is commonly known. Unlike most wild orchids which grow on trees, this orchid is terrestrial and the flowers bloom during the months of October-November. The village is resided by mostly Bhutias and Nepalis. Nepali is the predominant language. The town has a temperate climate. Tinkitam was the birthplace of the famous Indian football captain Baichung Bhutia. The nearby towns of Tinkitam Rayong are Ravong that is 7.9 k.m, Namchi located at a distance of 8.2 k.m, Yangang at a distance of 10.9 k.m and Temi Tarku situated at a distance of 11.2 k.m.

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