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Thekua is a sweet and crispy dessert prepared with whole wheat flour, sugar and coconuts which is a traditional recipe of Bihar and Jharkhand. Thekua is prepared especially for Chhath puja.

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Thekua, Indian SnacksThekua is a homemade dry sweet snack popular in Bihar, Jharkhand, eastern Uttar Pradesh and also Nepal. Thekua is a revered prasad (offering to god) in the Chhath puja. It has been used as a sweet snack for centuries in these places. Normally there are two variants, the people in central Nepal and Bihar prefer the ones which are harder known as "Khajur" and have a longer shelf life which is generally made with maida and sugar, whereas people in eastern Nepal and Uttar Pradesh prefer it softer known as "Thekua" traditionally made with wheat flour and jaggery. It is an ideal dessert to carry with during long journeys as it can be stored for few days.

Preparation of Thekua
The main ingredients of Thekua are wheat flour, chasni (melted sugar) and ghee. Jaggery can sometimes be used as an alternative to sugar. Dough is prepared using these four main ingredients and cardamom can be added to enhance the taste. Dough is deep fried in ghee or vegetable oil till it becomes reddish brown. It is soft when hot but hardens after it cools. It needs no preservatives and it can be stored for several days for eating purpose.


Wheat flour - 2 cups
•Semolina - 1/2 cup
•Jaggery - 3/4 cup
•Coconut - 1/2 cup, grated
•Oil for frying
Ghee - 2 tbsp
Green Cardamom - 5
Fennel Seed Powder - 1 tsp


•Add jaggery pieces and less than 1/2 cup water in a utensil.
•When the mixture starts boiling, stir it with spoon to check the jaggery is dissolved completely.
•Strain the mixture using sieve once jaggery is melted completely.
•Add ghee in this mixture and allow it to cool.
•Take flour is a bowl, add powdered cardamom, fennel seed powder, semolina and grated coconut.
•Now with help of jaggery mixture knead hard and little dry dough.
•Preheat oil in a wok.
•Take little amount of dough and place the dough ball in mould and press gently with the hands to give it desired design.
•After making Thekua from dough, fry them until they turn brown from all sides on medium flame.
•When they turn brown, take them out in a plate with absorbent paper. Once cooled, this can be stored in an air tight container for over a month.

Tips for Thekua
One can add cashews, raisins, dried dates or any other dry fruit while making Thekua. It is very important for the dough to be stiff and make sure to rest the dough too. Always fry Thekua on medium or low flame.

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