On the basis of formation, the first quality is the primary hand. The primary hand is commonly coarse, heavy and fatty in its form. The primary hands in its formation are unsymmetrical and ugly. The fingers of the people having primary hands are appeared to be unsymmetrical. According to the science of palmistry, people having primary hands cannot be termed as fully civilized. These people have a special tendency to copy things. Being very much materialistic these people do not have the characteristic cultural ingredients. The people having the primary hands are absolute epicure. Apart from the chief aim of the food, clothing and shelter, they do not even care for anything in life. Moreover they do not understand the values of life other than food , clothing and shelter. All the same the people having a primary hand are completely devoid of values and ideals of life. These people are generally laborious and whatever they can make are all because of their personal efficiency and strength. Such persons get irritated over petty sand trivial things. Breaking of law or the denial of the conventional norms is the basic trait of their nature. The palmists have labeled these people, on the socio-ethical point of view under the category of criminals
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