Those who possess philosophical hand are said to be very thoughtful and analytical in nature. This type of hand are long and angular shaped and have bony fingers, developed joints and long nails. Their fingertips are spatula shaped and the fingers are conical shaped. Again, among them, those possess square fingertips, are generally inclined towards social utility. They possess average and practical ideas. The people having philosopher`s hand do not work on sentiments but they keep harmony between sentiments and practicability. All the same they can tally between practical rationality and sheer sentimentality. Their fundamental nature is to discover s new things. Hence they always hunted to explore the unexplored facts, aimed to open new vistas and try to initiate new works. Their personality reflects their success, which is also one of the basic traits of their character. Persons with philosopher`s hand are learned and intellectuals. Being very learned and extremely conscious about the social and collective interest, they are proved as natural leaders. The palmists termed themselves as the born leaders. At the same time they are very useful to the society. They worked to enhance the society and glorify the nation and country. Being very much moralistic these people having philosopher`s hand have full faith in ideals and beliefs. They craved for intellectual pursuits and have lofty desire and indomitable thirst to increase their knowledge and intellect. They are socially responsible and hence are always found to do good for people
The eminent palmists have opined that great philosophers, thinkers and intellectuals are with such hands. These people though attain much respect and fame, they are not affluent.
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