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Line of Apollo or Sun
Line of Apollo or Sun is a sign of happiness and achievement. According to Palmistry, Line of Apollo or Sun indicates the creativity of a person and the success he will achieve.

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Line of Apollo or Sun, PalmistryLine of Apollo is also known as the Line of Sun. This line is also referred to as the Line of Success. The Line of Apollo or Sun is a perpendicular line in the palm, and it is a symbol of happiness and achievement in a person`s life, according to Palmistry. In Hindi language it is known as Surya Rekha, Ravi Rekha or Paribas Rekha. The line could be long or short in length. In case the line is long, it originates from the upper part of the Mount of Moon and extends, and generally ceases, at the Mount of Sun. On the other hand, in case the line is short, it originates from the higher region of the palm and terminates at the Mount of Sun. The source of this line has been seen at different places in different hands but one thing is common to all hands that this line invariably finishes at the mount of Sun. According to the researches conducted by the palmists, the line of Apollo or Sun originates from thirty different places. Therefore a line, which terminates at the mount of Sun, can be accepted to be the line of Apollo or Sun.

Palmistry suggests that several important aspects of human life depend on the line of Apollo or Sun. This line is also related with the creative talent of any person. It is believed that those people are more likely to achieve success whose line of Apollo or Sun originates high in the palm. If the Apollo line is erratic and irregular, then it indicates that success will be inconsistent. In hands where there is no line of Apollo or Sun, it indicates certain contrary effects. Like for instance, in those cases the person starts feeling that pleasure is out of reach. Moreover, if there are multiple lines of Apollo or Sun then it shows that a person has various talents but is actually the master of none.

As per the science of Palmistry, if there is a star on the line of Apollo or Sun then it implies attaining a considerable amount of money. Further, an island on line of Apollo denotes a phase when there is a loss of self-regard. This line is an indication of the creative talent of a person that comes out from his inner expression. Palmists generally relate the line of Apollo or Sun with creativity, fame, fortune, success and accomplishment. Thus, it is clear that those who possess the line of Apollo or Sun are more likely to have artistic talents, which will bring them tremendous success and fame.

If the line generates from the wrist and extends up to the hand, then it implies that the person has immense talent. Where as, if the line of Apollo or Sun is rather deep, then the person is supposed to have a tendency to exaggerate his skills and talents. If the line starts from the Plain of Mars, then the person appears to be stubborn and is adequately self-confident, and possesses the right attitude to achieve success. A person is assumed to be interested in fine arts and the study of supernatural. In case if the line is missing in a person`s palm, that particular person will have make extra efforts and struggle a lot to achieve success. According to the science of Palmistry, line of Apollo or Sun initiates from different points and it differs from one person to another. However, in every case this particular line always expands towards mount of Sun.

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