Tamil University is a public University and recognised by the University Grant Commission. The University offers various courses in the field of Linguistics, Translation, Lexicography, Music, Drama Sculpture, History ,Manuscriptology, Ancient Medicine ,architecture, Computer Science etc through the departments of Sculpture, Music Drama(under the faculty of Arts), Palm leaf Manuscriptology, Rarer Paper Manuscriptology, Underwater Archaeology, Epigraphy(under the faculty of Manuscriptology) Tamil Studies , Lexicography, Translation, Social sciences ,Scientific Tamil & Tamil Development,(under the faculty of developing Tamil),Folklore ,Indian Languages, Philosophy, Linguistics, Literature, Tribal research (under the faculty of language.), Siddha Medicine, Ancient Science, Industries and Earth Sciences ,Computer Science ,Architecture (under the faculty of science).The University also offers M.Phil and Ph.D programmes in, History ,Literature, Translation, Sculpture, Language and Architecture.
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