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Swamiji A. Parthasarathy
Swamiji A. Parthasarathy has become successful amongst many saints in applying the spirit of Vedanta in the practical life of people.

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Swamiji A. Parthasarathy, Indian SaintSwamiji A. Parthasarathy is standing as one of the greatest exponents of Vedanta Philosophy. He is such a well-known and esteemed saint in India, who has devoted his services to the study of Vedanta and also to its practical application to life, through out his life. Swamiji is also among the few saints who have become successful in applying the spirit of Vedanta in the real practical life of people. Swamiji Shri A. Parthasarathy was well influenced by the ancient Indian philosophy of Vedanta from his childhood and though he has followed the conventional path of education, the search for spiritualism was always there in his mind.

Swamiji did his post graduation from the London University and after that, he started writing spiritual books that gave him immense popularity. The books that Swamiji Shri A. Parthasarathy has written so far mainly demonstrate the abrupt scriptural truth in the contemporary thought and language and are actually targeted for practical living.

There are a lot of books, written by Swamiji Shri A. Parthasarathy that has earned immense popularity and appreciation from the masses. The books like "The Vedanta Treatise", and "The Symbolism of Hindu Gods and Rituals", are among the most popular ones. "The Vedanta Treatise" is actually a brief literary composition on the highest tenets of the Vedanta philosophy and it also depicts the way how people can apply the thoughts of Vedanta in their practical life. Both the books have been very popular among the masses and they are still remaining to be a classic piece from his library of books.

Apart from writing books and spreading his thoughts and views among the masses, Swamiji Shri A. Parthasarathy is also running the Vedanta Academy at the moment. This academy is primarily offering continuous three -year residential courses for both the Indian and foreign students, and the courses are being offered to spread the sprit of Vedanta all over the world. Swamiji Shri A. Parthasarathy is also having the credit of being the founder of the `Vedanta Life Institute` and the `Vedanta Cultural Foundation`.

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