In the Hindu mythology it is mentioned that, King Suchandra was the ruler of the northeastern Indian Kingdom of Shambhala. King Suchandra once requested Buddha to teach him and to allow him to practice the dharma without abandoning his worldly enjoyments and responsibilities. In response to Suchandra`s request, Buddha gave the first Kalachakra tantra initiation and teachings at Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India. Along with King Suchandra, ninety-six other minor kings and representatives from Shambhala also received the teachings.
It is considered that Suchandra is an emanation of Vajrapani, and a bodhisattva on the tenth ground. By practicing the Kalachakra, the whole of Shambhala became an enlightened society, with Suchandra as the ruler. King Suchandra wrote down the Kalachakra teachings he received, composing the twelve thousand verses, `Mula` or root text
Suchandra also built a huge three-dimensional Kalachakra mandala in the center of the kingdom. Suchandra died only two years after receiving the teachings. The six kings preceded Suchandra, were known as `dharmarajas` or `truth kings`. The `dharmarajas` reigned for over hundred years. There were twenty-five sovereigns who followed the `dharmarajas` and are known as Kalki or Kulika kings.
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