Siradhwaja is another name of Janaka, king of Mithila, celebrated as the father of Sita. Siradhwaja is remarkable for his great knowledge and good works and sanctity. Siradhwaja means `he of the plough banner`, because his daughter Sita sprang up from the furrow when he was ploughing the ground and was preparing for a sacrifice to obtain offspring.
The sage Yajnawalkya was Siradhwaja`s priest and adviser. He refused to submit to the hierarchical pretensions of the Brahmans, and asserted his right of performing sacrifices without the intervention of priests. Siradhwaja succeeded in his contention, for it is said that through his pure and righteous life he became a Brahman and one of the Rajarshis. He and his priest Yajnawalkya are thought to have prepared the way for Buddha.
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