The fingers and nails at the tip of the finger constitute an important part of the science of palmistry. The types of nails and signs on it reveal several important facts about the concerning individuals. The eminent palmists consider the signs of nails, of worth importance, while judging the individual. The signs of nails reveal the subtle truth about the temperamental aspects ands the future of the respective individual. However the signs on nails are mainly concerned with the future of the individual. According to the science of palmistry the nails can be categorized into four types, on the basis of signs on the nails. The nails on the basis of signs found can be divided into nails with black spots, nails with white spots, nails with half moon at their base and nails with big half moon.
On the basis of classification of nails, according to signs, the nail with black spots comes to the first category. As the sciences of palmistry depicts, the individuals having nails with black spots on it is destined to meet with great calamity and misfortune. Since the appearance of spots on nails has a scientific basis, it should be known that spots appear on nails for some time while at other times these disappear also. Henceforth, while considering the signs of nails according to the science of palmistry, it should be made clear that black spots on nails are as indication of impurity of blood. According to palmistry, people having black spots on nails is destined to get sick with smallpox, malaria, fever or any such disease connected with the impurity of blood in the nears future.
The nails with white spots constitute the second category of nails, classified according to the signs on nails. White spots on nails indicate obstructions in the circulation of blood. At the same time the person having nails with white spots are destined to be affected with diseases related to the obstruction in the blood circulation in future. If such spots appear on the nails of finger, it should be concluded that the man is likely to be sick very soon.
In the third category of nails, fall the nails with half moon at their base. The appearance of half moon at the base is not the frequent event. This is because half moon appears sometimes at the base of nails. The half moons on the fingers are a rare sign and they are the indicator of progress. When half moon appears on the index finger, it indicates that promotion in service or some good news is likely to be heard. Half moon on the finger of Saturn indicates that the person concerning is likely to get benefit from machinery. It also indicates that there is possibility of his getting money or some good news unexpectedly. Again half moon on the finger of Apollo indicates that the person having such signs will soon get rise in status and respect in society. The half moon formed on the little finger indicates the likelihood of profit in business dealings. The half moon appearing at the base of the thumb indicates all kinds of auspiciousness, progress and is indicative of some good news. Therefore the sign of half moon of closely related with good fortune, fame and progress in life. Yet its presence on the nails of different fingers indicates different aspects.
In the final category, fall the nails with big half moon. Sometimes signs like big half moon are visible, which covers nearly half of the nails. When big half moon, like this is visible, it shows contrary results of the features of the short half moons.
Apart from these features, the signs on the nails delineate some other significant aspects. The black and white spots also convey some important facts about the human nature. Being contrary to each other, the white ands the black spots on the fingers determine almost different behavioral aspect of the respective individuals. According to the science of palmistry, a white spot on the thumb is indicative of love while the black spot shows committing of crime in the near future. Likewise a black spot on index finger reveals loss, contrary to this white spot is indicative of profit in business. White spot, visible on the nail of the finger of Saturn, indicates the journey to be undertaken soon, while the black spot is the sign of the death of some elderly person in the family. A black spot on the nail of the finger of Apollo results soon in getting denigration in society. On the other hand, when a white spot is visible on the nail of this finger, then it indicates that the man will get respect, money and fame in the near future. White spots on the finger of Mercury indicate the successful achievements of the aim and fulfillment of the dream. But the black spot on the finger of Mercury shows failure in achieving it.
Apart from the black and white spots there are yellow and red spots, which appear at times on the nails. These signs are of equal importance like black and the white spots. According to the palmists if yellow spots are visible on one or more fingers, it is certain that the man will meet his death in the near future. Sometimes tiny red spots are also visible on the nails. According to palmistry these also are indicative of bad omens. The red spots on hand are indicative of something uncanny. When red spots are seen on one or more fingers of a man, it shows that the man may soon be murdered.
The nails and signs found on the nails have much importance in themselves. These appears apparently trivial but the signs themselves carry enough significance, because they indicate some unexplored truth about the future of the individual, which cannot be understand at a single glace of the palm. The eminent palmists thoroughly studied the signs found on the nails, while making a thorough research of an individual`s hand.
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