A person may gain Siddhi in speech, in mantra and so on. A person who has perfected his spiritual development is also siddha. The various powers that can be attained are anima, mahima, laghima, garima, prapti, prakamya, Ishtva, vashitva are known as the eight Siddhis. Spiritual perfection is the greatest Siddhi. The mighty powers of the "eight Siddhi" are known as the "lesser Siddhi," as the greatest of all Siddhi is liberation from the bonds of phenomenal life and union with the Paramatma which is the ultimate to be achieved through human birth.
The eight Siddhis mean:
* Anima: this means reducing one`s body to an atom`s size.
* Mahima: this is expanding one`s body to an infinite large size
* Garima: this means becoming considerably heavy
* Laghima: this is becoming approximately light
* Prapti: this is having not restricted access to all places
* Prakamya: this is realizing whatever one desires
* Ishtva: owning of absolute lordship;
* Vastva: this is the power to conquer all.
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