Satadhanu is an emperor who had a virtuous and diplomatic wife named Saivya. Satadhanu and his wife Saivya were both worshippers of Lord Vishnu. One day they met a heretic, with whom Satadhanu started conversation. Satadhanu committed a crime by talking to that person and as a result was sent to the funeral pile. Satadhanu`s wife also burnt herself. His wife Saivya was born again as a princess with knowledge of her previous existence, but the husband received the form of a dog. She recognized him in this form and placed the bridal garland on his neck. Thus she reminded him of his previous existence and of the fault which had caused his degradation. He was greatly humiliated and died from a broken spirit. After that, he was born successively as a jackal, a wolf, a crow, and a peacock. In each form his wife recognized him, reminded him of his sin, and urged him to make efforts for restoration to his former dignity. Then at last Satadhanu was born as the son of a rich person. Then Saivya elected him as her bridegroom and they lived happily together. When he died she again followed him in death, and both ascended beyond the sphere of Indra to the regions where all desires are for ever gratified.
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