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Sarangadeva (1210-1247) was the author of the Sangita Ratnakara, which is the most important work on music.

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Sarangadeva, Indian MusicologistSarangadeva belonged to Kashmiri ancestry. Initially he worked as an accountant in the court of the Yadava King Singhana. He had illustrated four types of Gitis-Magadhi, Ardamagadhi, Sambavita and Pritula. Giti is a composition with rhythm and words stuffed with varna and Alankara. Two hundred and fifty three ragas have been listed by Sarangadeva. This also includes 34 ragas that were in trend before his time and fifty in craze during his lifetime. This includes eight Panns from Tevaram. The traditions pictured by Sarangadeva are noticeable in the practical field of Carnatic music.

He was a skilful Carnatic musicologist of the 13th century. He reaffirms the concept of twenty-two srutis in an octave. He illustrated every one of these facets of music with examples in a rudimentary manner. In his Sangita Ratnakara there are about 13,700 svara-prastaras and Varna. He was acclaimed as Nissanka as he had immense knowledge in music.

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