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Saguna Brahman
Saguna Brahman is the creator, upholder and manager of the universe. Saguna Brahman means that God has a name and form and other qualities.

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Saguna BrahmanSaguna Brahman is known also by various Sanskrit names like Ishvara, Parameshvara, paramatma, Maheshvara and Purusha. According to Advaita advocated by Sankara saguna brahman is the lord identical with his own infinite jnanam. Sankara refers to him by names like Shiva, Vishnu. Saguna brahman here is Paramartha, eternal and non-differentiated from nirguna brahman. He controls the effects of his own maya shakti.

Saguna Brahman in Vaishnavism means Brahman with infinite attributes. This includes attributes like immortality and everlasting. The personal form here is Narayana or Lord Krishna or Lord Vishnu.

Goddess Shakti or her other forms are also seen as the Saguna Brahman in Shaktism. In Shaivism, Lord Shiva is the Saguna Brahman.

The personal aspect of the Ultimate Reality is Saguna Brahman. The Sanskrit names of saguna Brahman represent more or less the same concept as the word God in other religions. In Hinduism the male and female aspects of Saguna Brahman in many forms are worshipped.

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