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Sage Oil
Commonly used in aromatherapy applications, sage oil is known to stimulate and clarify the mind. It is known to promote a sense of attentiveness, enhance memory and regulate easy digestion, respiration and ease problems related to the female reproductive systems.

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Sage OilSage was a sacred herb in olden times. It grows practically anywhere, especially in Mediterranean countries. Used externally, sage has very strong estrogenic properties and can be helpful with hot flashes, water retention, gum infections, and the prevention of wrinkles. It is used to stop the progression of gray hair. It can cause vertigo if it is inhaled to excess. Sage has a heating and drying energy that acts as diaphoretic, expectorant, nervine, astringent, alterative, diuretic, disinfectant, carminative, antispasmodic, stimulant, hypertensor and antidepressant. This oil mixes well with the following oils: Lavender, Rosemary, Citrus, Rosewood, Citronella and Pine. However, this oil is abortive and toxic in high doses, or in nursing mothers, hence it is not for internal use.

Uses of Sage Oil

•Good diuretic and useful when slimming.

•Helps in rheumatic conditions and good for aches and pains.

•General stimulant and regulator of nervous system.

•Purifies the blood.

•Alleviates low blood pressure.

•Regulates menstrual flow.

•Good for digestive problems.

•Beneficial in menopause.

•Recommended in cases of thrush.

•Helps treat bleeding gums.

•Helps several skin conditions, such as eczema and ulcers.

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