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Rog Yog
The Rog Yog is related with the health and physical strength of that individual.

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Rog Yog , PalmistryThe Rog Yog is also an important concept in palmistry. It is considered with special care by the palmists. The Rog Yog is related with the health and physical strength of that individual. The Rog Yog in an individual`s hand can be deduced from several conditions. There is no specific sign on the hand, which indicates the Rog Yog in the hand. The Rog Yog of an individual can be understood from several features imprinted on the hand. The Rog Yog delineates the weakness, premature death, undeveloped body of an individual. If any of this condition is available on the hand then it is considered as Rog Yog.

The weak physique of an individual can be understood if the life line is thin and faint and is inclined below. Again if the Heart line touches the mount of Saturn, and if there is a cross mark in the middle of the Head line and the Life line is broken, then it indicates that the individual will have premature death. The life line is very thick and has become full of chains below the mount of Jupiter indicates that the respective individual had weakness in the childhood although he is found to she well enough during his youth and later. Hereditary Disease is also the part of the Rog Yog in an individual. If there is a mark of island at the place from where the Life line starts then the person has hereditary disease. If the life lines is broken it indicates that the person has weak body and he will remain weak throughout his life. If there is a point in the beginning of the life line, then it points to the accident in childhood. If many branches come out of the middle of the life line and proceed in the region below and appears broken, then it indicates to the undeveloped body of an individual. When the Health line is wide and in the end it has become a bunch or has broken, it indicates that the individual will be weak in his old age. The heart line goes below the mount of Saturn and then appears suddenly or if the Head line touches the bracelets, it indicates that the individual will have sudden death. The Life line. Head line and the Heart line are joined completely at the beginning point and have become full of chains, indicates that the individual will be assassinated somehow.

The mark of red color on the Head line indicates head injury in the near future. : There is a mark of circle on the mount of Moon or" mere is a triangle on the mount of Moon or there is a point or a triangle or a star on the mount of Mercury, then it indicates the Rog Yog in an individual. Death during traveling is also a Rog Yog. It is indicated if the traveling lines are broken and are wider than necessary. The line of Mars in both the hands has branches or there is a mark of Star in the beginning of Life line then it indicates that the individual will be affected with cancer. Epilepsy is a Rog Yog and is indicted if there is a cross over the Heart line or the Health line appears of different colors. If two vertical lines on the Heart line or the mount of the Moon is found then it indicates that the individual will be affected with paralysis. The Head line if appears like a stair case and it is leaning towards the Health line or if the Head line is joined with the Health line or there is a cluster of lines at the point of their meeting it indicates that`s the individual will be affected with mental disease. The hand is soft and there is sign of an island on the Life line then it indicates that the individual is asthmatic.

Blindness is also the Rog Yog. If there is a square on the Life line or there is a spot on the Heart line or there is a cross on the Heart line or there is a cross on the Health line or there is a big black spot at the starting of the Sun line then the individual will be blind in the near future. The Heart line is wide and weak and if the nails are a little bluish in color then it indicates that the individual is anaemic. If the mount of Moon is very developed and protruded, then it indicates that the individual will be affected with colds most of the time. If the mount of Moon is and the whole of it is being cut by a single line is divided into two by it or there is a cluster end of Life line, then the person is said to be affected with arthritis or Gout. Unconsciousness is the result of the Rog Yog. If the Health line starts from and the Head line is proceeding towards the Heart then the person has repeated fits of the unconsciousness, according to the science of palmistry. If the mount of Jupiter is weak and below it there is a point on the Head line it indicates that the person will be deaf. Tuberculosis is the result of the Rog Yog. The nails are long, thin and curved and there are many small islands on the Head line indicate that the individual has the proneness to be affected with tuberculosis. The mount of Moon is excessively protruded and it has more than one crosses or points on it it indicates dropsy.

Dropsy is one of the important results of the Rog Yog. If the Head line has a black mark and the Life line has a star mark in the beginning then the organs of a person tremble a little. Diphtheria is an important result of Rog Yog. The Life line and the Head line are broken and the mount of Saturn has a cross mark or a rectangle below it then it indicates that he will be affected with diphtheria. The broken heart line with flabby and plump hand indicates that the individual will suffer from obesity. Hysteria is s indicated if the hand is ordinary and there are marks of stars (more than one) on the mount of Moon. If the Life line is broken and one part of it is related to the mount of Venus then it points to the fatal diseases which can affect the individual. The Head line is narrow and the Health line is way-ward or s like s staircase, then it indicates that the individual is suffering from Indigestion. Loss of Memory is an important aspect of the Rog Yog. If the Head line is broken at many places the person has loss of memory. Many lines come out of the Life line and proceed below it indicates that the individual has several diseases owing to gastrick. If a line coming out of the Life line reaches the mount of Saturn and there is either a mark of a triangle or marks of two stars, then such a person suffers from pluressy. Pluressy, according to the palmists is the result of the Rog Yog. The first phalange of the second finger is quite there is a mark of star at the end of Fate line. If there are very minute spots found on the mount of Mars then the person suffers from the diseases of the private organs, which is also an important result of the Rog Yog.

The Rog Yog is the most important part of the subject of Yog in the science of palmistry. The Rog Yog only indicates that whether the person is physically strong or weak or whether he will be affected with death like danger or any fatal diseases. The eminent palmists give due importance to the Rog Yog while considering an individual`s hand.

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