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Repression of Emotions
Repression of emotions accounts for a number of physical ailments affecting the health of an individual. It also aggravates the allergic reactions

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Repression of EmotionsRepression of emotions can be responsible for a number of physical problems leading to diseases. They also aggravate existing problems due to metabolic imbalances. Emotions in human beings play a vital role in forming toxins. For instance, the repressed form of anger changes the entire flora of the gallbladder, small intestine and bile duct. It also aggravates pitta and causes inflamed patches over the mucous membranes of small intestine and stomach. Anxiety and fear are also known to affect the large intestine. In such cases gas accumulates in the pockets of large intestine and causes bloating of the belly resulting in pain. This pain is often mistaken for liver or heart ailments. Thus the repression of emotions poses a number of ill effects on the body for which it is strongly recommended that neither any physical urge such as sneezing, coughing and passing gas nor any emotions should be repressed.

Repression of emotions causes an imbalance of vata which in turn has influence on agni which is the auto-immune response of the body. Abnormal immune reaction can also occur while the agni is low. Allergies to certain substances may occur due to this reaction including flower scents, dust and pollen. Individuals having inborn abnormalities with immune reactions often suffer from allergies as the problem has a close association with the immune response of the body. A person who is born with a pitta constitution is usually sensitive to hot and spicy foods as these worsen the problem. Similarly when pitta emotions like anger and hate are repressed an increase in hypersensitivity to these foods can be observed.

Individuals having kapha constitutions similarly encounter high sensitivity to foods which are responsible in aggravating kapha. For such people kaphagenic foods like dairy products causes disturbances in the body including wheezing, congestion, cold and cough. In this way repression of kapha emotions like greed and attachment may also cause allergic reaction to kapha foods. According to the concept of Ayurveda, emotions must be observed with detachment followed by its gradual dissipation. Repression of emotions causes disturbances in the mind which consequently affects the functioning of the body.

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