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Reetika Khera
Reetika Khera is a renowned Indian economist and social activist who motivated the students of more than 300 universities to conduct field surveys related to National Rural Employment Guarantee Act or NREGA, political elections, food security, etc. She researched on Public Distribution System and NREGA amongst other fields.

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Reetika Khera, Indian EconomistReetika Khera is a social activist and economist of the country who has published several articles associated to the fields of food security, child nutrition, political elections, education and NREGA in various newspapers, journals and magazines. Khera is widely applauded for her motivation to young university students for participating in the many field activities and surveys, which were all conducted under her supervision. The students of over 300 universities were inspired by Reetika Khera to go about their developmental work. Currently, Khera is an assistant professor in the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, especially at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Early Life of Reetika Khera
Reetika Khera has pursued Ph.D from Delhi School of Economics and was one of the students of Jean Dreze who is a famous social activist and economist. She also studied M.A. from Delhi School of Economics and studied in Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex (M.Phil.). At the Princeton University, she worked as a post-doctoral Research Associate, and her chief field of research was child nutrition. Reetika Khera was a visitor at Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, at GB Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, Delhi School of Economics and Centre for Development Economics.

Works of Reetika Khera
Reetika Khera had performed a primary study in as many as eight villages located in Rajasthan, for the purpose of her Ph.D. This thesis concentrated on the effectualness of public interferences in order to prevent the terrible famines which comprised the public distribution system and relief works. From that time onwards Reetika Khera has been actively involved in numerable social audits, surveys and other kinds of field actions throughout India. Her research works also included `research for action` which was associated with Public Distribution System and National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). One of her major research works is the `Group Measurement` of NREGA work, which is a part of the `Jalore Experiment`.

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