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Pushkara is the last of the seven great insular continents, or Dwipas.

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According to the Vishnu Purana, Pushkara is the last of the seven great insular continents, or Dwipas. Pushkara is encompassed by the sea of milk and also surrounded by a sea of fresh water.

Pushkara is represented as an earthly paradise. In this place all the inhabitants are happy, and rejoice in total exemption from sickness and decay. They live a thousand years without interruption and untouched by anger or affection. In the continent Pushkara there is no jealousy, envy, fear, hatred, covetousness, nor any moral defect. There are neither is there truth or falsehood.

Pushkara was the brother of Nala. Nala engaged him in the gambling match and Pushkara lost his kingdom to him. Kali, the demon was very annoyed when Pushkara lost his kingdom and also got angry when Damayanti chose Nala in the swayamvara.

Nala was dispossessed of Kali and was defeated by his brother Pushkara. Later Nala won back his kingdom, gold, jewels, and all his treasures, but treated Pushkara kindly and gave him a city to dwell in.

Pushkara is also the name of one of the sons of Bharata. He was king of Gandhara, residing at Pushkaravati.

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