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Petitgrain Oil
Petitgrain oil has been used in eau de Cologne for hundreds of years because of its refreshing, stimulating and deodorizing effects.

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Petitgrain OilCitrus fruits are treasure troves of wonderful medicinal properties and this has earned them a significant place in the world of aromatherapy and herbal medicines. Time and again we find another essential oil derived from our well-known citrus fruit, none other than the refreshing and the thirst-quenching "Orange".

No part f the citrus plant goes to waste. It is extremely beneficial. This oil was previously extracted from green and young oranges, which were the size of peas – hence the name Petitgrain. Neroli Oil is also derived from the flowers of oranges. Petitgrain oil is extensively used in the perfume and cosmetics industries, as well as in food and beverages as a flavouring agent, due to its remarkable aroma. Apart from being used in aromatherapy, the Petitgrain oil has numerous uses in herbal medicine.

Origin of Petitgrain Oil
The main producers of this oil are France, Italy and Tunisia. It is also produced in Morocco, Algeria and West Africa. Petitgrain oil has a woody and at the same time a florally smell. The colour of the oil is pale yellow to amber and it is watery in viscosity.

Extraction of Petitgrain Oil
The Oil of Petitgrain is extracted from the fresh leaves and young and tender twigs of orange tree through steam distillation.

The chief components of this oil are gamma terpineol, geraniol, geranyl acetate, linalool, linalyl acetate, myrcene, neryl acetate and trans-ocimene.

Health Benefits of Petitgrain Oil
The health benefits of Petitgrain Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, antidepressant, deodorant, nervine and sedative substance. It is good for maintaining the moisture and oil balance of the skin as well as for treating acne, pimples, abnormal sweating, dryness and cracking of the skin, and ring worm. It also soothes nausea and eliminates the urge to vomit, since it is an anti-emetic. When used in the summer, it gives a cool and refreshing feeling. Today it is used in perfumery, cosmetics and as flavouring for drinks. Petitgrain is excellent in massage oil for muscle spasm and inflamed tissue.

Uses of Petitgrain Oil

•Fortifies the nervous systems and is very grounding and calming.
•Calms palpitations.
•Good for insomnia.
•Relieves anxiety.
•It is good for lymphatic drainage and improves all circulation.
•It can be helpful as a digestive aid.
•It is uplifting, good for transition, and for keeping the mind clear.

Blending: The essential oils of Bergamot, Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Sandalwood, Angelica, Jatamansi, Rosewood, Dhavana and Champa make fine blends with the Oil of Petitgrain. This oil also mixes well with all Citrus oils.

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