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Palmarosa Oil
Palmarosa oil could be used with good effect on the skin, for nervous and stress-related problems and for the digestive system.

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Palmarosa OilPalmarosa Oil is good for all skin types because it is a cellular stimulator and supports all cell regulation. Palmarosa is used widely in Ayurvedic skin care. Palmarosa oil has a sweet floral, with a hint of rose smell and is pale yellow in colour with a nearly watery viscosity. Palmarosa Oil also known as "Turkish Geranium" or "Indian Geranium Oil".

Origin of Palmarosa Oil
Palmarosa is a grass whose botanical name is Cymbopogon Martini. It is a wild growing, herbaceous green and straw-colored grass, with long slender stems, terminal flowering tops and fragrant grassy leaves. It is harvested before the flowers appear and the highest yield is obtained when the grass is fully dried - about one week after it has been cut.

Extraction of Palmarosa Oil
Palmarosa oil is extracted from the dried grass which is harvested before it flowers by steam distillation.

Health Benefits of Palmarosa Oil
The health benefits of Palmarosa Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseptic, antiviral, anti-depressant, bactericidal, cytophylactic, digestive, febrifuge and hydrating substance. It can be a stimulant to the endocrine system and to lymphatic drainage. Some people love the odour and find it quite sedating. It is preferable when it is fresh, because after one year it becomes quite strong. To use it then one must mix it with other sweet oils. Palmarosa acts as cell regenerator, stimulant, moisturizer and aphrodisiac. It has very cooling and moisturizing characteristics. Soothing to the body and mind it also supports healthy skin.

Uses of Palmarosa Oil

•Palmarosa oil calms the mind, yet has an uplifting effect, while clearing muddled thinking.
•It is used to counter physical and nervous exhaustion, stress-related problems and nervousness.
•It is effective in relieving sore and stiff muscles.
•Palmarosa oil moisturizes the skin, while balancing the hydration levels and stimulating cell regeneration.
•It is also good at curing internal bacterial infections like colitis and those of the colon, stomach, urinary bladder, prostate, urethra, urinary tracts and kidneys.
•The secretion of digestive juices into the stomach is stimulated by this oil, thereby promoting digestion.

Although essential oils blend well with one another, Palmarosa oil blends particularly well with Geranium, Bergamot, Rosemary, Ylang-ylang, Rose, Frankincense, Jasmine, Myrrh, Chamomile, Rosewood and all Citrus Oils.

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