Open Management Admission Test (OPENMAT) is organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi. It is a common entrance test that is required for getting admissions to the professional management degree programmes of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). OPENMAT or Open Management Admission Test is generally conducted twice a year that is in the month of February and secondly in the month of August. The IGNOU MBA programmes are conducted through the study centres of IGNOU. The management programmes offered by IGNOU are defined as one of the leading management degree programmes of the world as far as its enrolment and spread are concerned. Students who are wiling to take admissions to the several distance-learning management degree courses need to appear for Open Management Admission Test (OPENMAT).
Application Forms
Candidates who are interested in appearing for the Open Management Admission Test (OPENMAT) conducted by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) can obtain the prospectus and student handbook from the office of Registrar, IGNOU, New Delhi. They can also obtain the student handbook and prospectus from all the recognized regional centres and study centres. The candidates can also download the prospectus and student handbook from the official website of the university. The students who are downloading the application form need to send a bank demand draft of the requisite amount, drawn in favour of IGNOU. Advertisements carrying all the information and details regarding the dates and application forms are released in all the leading national as well as regional dailies of the country. The advertisements are usually released in the months of April and October. The students must remember that the completed application form should reach the office of Registrar before the last date of submission.
Eligibility Criteria for Open Management Admission Test (OPENMAT) - Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
Candidates who are interested in appearing in the OPENMAT should have any of the below mentioned qualifications -
• A bachelor`s degree with a minimum of 3 years of managerial or supervisory or professional experience
• A professional degree in Engineering or Technology, Architecture, Medicine, Pharmacy or Law
• Professional Qualifications in Accountancy, Cost or Works Accountancy
• Master`s degree in any stream of subject or discipline
Candidates seeking admissions in the Diploma in Management (DIM) course need to have any of the above listed criterion or a pass certificate 10+2 or its equivalent examination. They need to have a minimum of 6 years of supervisory, professional or managerial experience. However, there is no age bar for taking admissions in any of the management programmes.
Courses Offered
• Master of Business Administration (MBA)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDIM)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (PGDFM)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management (PGDOM)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management (PGDMM)
• Diploma in Management (DIM)
Pattern of Examination
The test pattern of Open Management Admission Test (OPENMAT) organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) comprises a total of 200 objective types of questions with multiple options. It is of 3 hours duration.
The question brochure of this common entrance test consists of the several sections that are as follows -
• General Awareness - 30 questions (30 marks)
• English Language - 50 questions (50 marks)
• Quantitative Aptitude - 50 questions (50 marks)
• Reasoning - 70 questions (70 marks)
The test booklet of Open Management Admission Test (OPENMAT) is specially designed OMR answer sheet. There is no system of negative marking in this entrance test.
For the IGNOU OPENMAT that is Open Management Admission Test conducted by Indira Gandhi National Open University, there is no pre-defined or pre-set syllabus. This entrance test contains four main sections - General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning. The students need to prepare according to the question pattern and its sections.
Selection Process
The candidates are short listed on the basis of their performance or marks obtained in aggregate in all the sections of the written test. Candidates who qualify the test are entitled to take admissions into the various management degree programmes offered by IGNOU in any of the subsequent semesters.
Open Management Admission Test (OPENMAT) organized by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is the mode through which the capability, analytical and knowledge skills are measured and whether they are eligible for the professional management courses or not.