Noel David, also known as Noel Arthur David, is a former Indian cricket player. He represented India in four One Day Internationals and has also played domestic cricket for Hyderabad. Noel David was born on 26th February 1971 in the city of Hyderabad. He has been a bowling all-rounder having a decent off-break bowling skill. He was also known to be a good lower order batsman. Noel exhibited excellence in fielding. The noted Indian cricket player Sunil Gavaskar once credited him to be the greatest ever fielder for Indian cricket team.
Noel David was an off spinner of middling ability. In the year 1997 he was flown to the Caribbean for replacing the injured Javagal Srinath during India`s tour of West Indies. He was dormant till the end of the Test series; however he came into action in the One Day Internationals showcasing persistent off breaks and claimed 3 for 21 on debut at Port-of-Spain. His stunning field work however gained more prominence in the cricket than his contributions as a bowler and batsman.
Later in the same year Noel David was a part of the squad for the Asia Cup in Colombo. However he played only in one game following which his services were dispensed. Noel David had an impressive score of 207 not out against Andhra in 1993-94 Ranji Trophy during which Hyderabad scored 944 for 6 which marked the highest score in the history of Ranji Trophy. Noel David emigrated to the United States after his retirement from cricket.
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