Nayika is said to be the heroine of a drama.

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Nayika, Heroine Of A PlayIn Sanskrit Nayika is said to the heroine of a drama who is the female lead actress. Nayikas are to females are partakers of scenic incident, affords an interesting picture of the relation of that sex in Hindu society. In the Natakas or plays there are the nymphs of heaven, the brides of demi-gods, the wives of saints, and female saints themselves, and the woods and rivers. In the plays of pure fiction the characters have princesses and courtesans. Again in the pieces of the plot there are the different inmates of the harem. The first class of females is the representation from social life.

In the Natakas, the Nayikas are introduced as an unmarried female of high birth into the lighter scenes of common life. The family of the girl is never introduced. Again it may be observed that to the honour, of the Hindu drama, that the Parakiyd, or she who is the wife of another person, is never to be made the object of a dramatic intrigue. The Nayika or heroine has always her companion and confidante, and the most appropriate personage to fill this capacity is a foster sister. Where queens are the heroines a favourite damsel discharges this duty. Female devotees play a leading part in several dramas as well as novels.

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