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Naturopathy for Male Diseases
Naturopathy has much to offer in helping men through different life-stages and in treating and managing conditions related to men’s health.

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Naturopathy for Male Diseases, Indian NaturopathyMen are statistically proven to be less healthy than women. This is because they are more likely to put their health last on their list of priorities. It has been consistently observed that men are less likely to visit a doctor on a regular basis and usually have a serious condition if they do go. The diseases that target large percentages of men deserve to be openly discussed and dealt with in order to inform, educate and prevent. There are certain scary illnesses that one should be on the lookout for.

Some of the male diseases cured by naturopathy are as follows:

Prostate Disorder: As men age, it is common for the prostate gland to enlarge. This enlargement can result in symptoms of a weak or split urinary stream, frequent urination and an inability to completely empty the bladder. Naturopathy can help men with enlarged prostate glands. Diet changes can be helpful. It"s important to reduce intake of saturated fats and excessive alcohol. Essential fatty acids such as fish oil and flaxseed oil are beneficial. Zinc is a helpful nutrient, and can be found in pumpkin seeds and oysters. Naturopathic treatment can be used to help alleviate symptoms, normalise hormone levels, optimize prostate and bladder health.

Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is another deadly disease that kills men. The prostate is a small gland behind the penis that secretes fluids important for ejaculation. As the age of men increases, the risk of prostate cancer becomes higher. It is the most common cancer in the world after skin cancer but it grows slowly and is unlikely to spread.

Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction is an effect of atherosclerosis and reflects on the poor health of the blood vessels in the body. Doctors consider erectile dysfunction as an early indicator of heart disease. Although not life threatening, it is a common problem among men.

Nutrition for Male Diseases
Proper eating will be a cornerstone of helping one to get a healthy lifestyle. A whole foods diet rich in high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and beneficial fats will be recommended. Plenty of water to ensure properly hydrated muscles and other tissues is also very important. Exercise is a vital part of health and well being.

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