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Natural Remedy for Leucorrhoea
Natural remedy for Leucorrhoea in Naturopathy involves a total health-building scheme which is crucial for the elimination of the systemic toxicity which is chiefly responsible for the disease.

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Natural Remedy for Leucorrhoea, Indian NaturopathyIn the natural remedy for Leucorrhoea, first and foremost the body should be free from all the accumulated toxins. Proper diet, adequate sleep, exercise, fresh air and sunshine are indispensable part of the treatment.

Leucorrhoea is one of the most common female health problems that most of the women experience at a time in their life. Leucorrhoea is a condition in which whitish discharge is released from female genitals that also causes foul smelling, itching, irritation, inflammation and redness too.

Diet Therapy for Leucorrhoea
To start with, the patient should fast for 3 or 4 days on lemon water or fruit juices for the removal of the morbid matter from the body. During this period the bowel should be cleansed on a daily basis with a lukewarm water enema. In case of habitual constipation, steps should be taken for its eradication. Subsequent to a short fast, the patient may take up an all fruit-diet for about a week. In this course of therapy, she should have 3 meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, apples, pears, grapes, and peaches. If the patient is suffering from anaemia, or is too thin, the diet may consist of fruits and milk. Fresh fruits or fruit juices only should be taken between meals. The patient may then slowly but surely embark upon a well-balanced diet consisting of 3 basic food groups specifically;
(i) Seeds, Nuts and Grains,
(ii) Fruits
(iii) Vegetables.

All forms of white flour, white sugar, fried and greasy foods, preserves, tea and coffee should be avoided.

Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea
Some of the home remedies for leucorrhoea are as follows:
1. A douche for the vaginal tract made of the decoction of the bark of banyan and fig tree is effective in treating Leucorrhoea.
2. Lady"s finger has various useful minerals which are beneficial in Leucorrhoea. Take about 100 gm of lady"s finger and add a litre of water to it. Boil this for at least 20 minutes to make an infusion. After it cools, sweeten the drink and take it daily as frequently as possible, till the symptoms are gone.
3. Dry and grind the mango seeds to make a powder. Add a little water to this powder to make a fine paste, apply this paste outside and inside the vaginal tract to treat leucorrhoea.Natural Remedy for Leucorrhoea, Indian Naturopathy
4. Add fenugreek seeds to cold water and simmer over moderate flame for 30 minutes. Strain and use this as a douche. Tea made of fenugreek seeds, by boiling it in water and drinking it, can be very useful in treating this condition.
5. Steep guava leaves in water and simmer for about 30 minutes. Strain it and use twice daily, as a douche over the vaginal area till the symptoms disappear.
6. Coriander seeds are very beneficial home cure for leucorrhoea. Soak the seeds in water overnight. Strain and drink this water the next morning on empty stomach.
7. Walnut leaves have astringent properties which are beneficial in treating leucorrhoea. An infusion made by steeping the leaves in water and boiling for about 20 minutes can be strained and used as a douche on genital areas.
8. Wash rice and strain it. Add honey or sugar to this water to sweeten it, before consuming it. This is a good remedy to get rid of itchiness and fatigue.
9. Extract and drink cranberry juice, at least thrice a day, till symptoms remain.
10. Betel nut is very effective home cure for leucorrhoea. Chew a few betel nuts after every meal. This also prevents future occurrence of leucorrhoea. Take some betel nuts, add some rose petals and crush together. Add a little sugar. Drink it or use this as a douche to apply over the genitals.
11. Take a few drops of sandalwood oil twice a day.
12. Take some amla powder and add honey or sugar. Add it to a glass of water and drink. It can also be added to milk or made in to a paste and applied over the vaginal tract for better results.
13. Mix turmeric powder with garlic and eat. This is very effective in condition where the white discharge is dense and itchy.
14. Eating ripe or over ripe banana is very beneficial in treatment of leucorrhoea.
15. Grind some cumin seeds and mix it with honey and apply over the vaginal area. A concoction made of cumin seeds is very effective in treating leucorrhoea.

Water Therapy for Leucorrhoea
Water therapy is enormously advantageous in curing leucorrhoea. A cold hip bath twice a day for 10 minutes will help relieve congestion in the pelvic region and smooth the progress of quick elimination of morbid matter. In severe cases of leucorrhoea, the douche should be done daily. The passive inflammation of the affected organs can be cured by regular hot hip baths at 40 degree Centigrade for 10 minutes and normal use of wet girdle pack for 90 minutes every night.

Exercise for Leucorrhoea
Yoga asanas, in particular those which improve muscles of the abdomen and uterus are extremely beneficial and should be practiced on a regular basis. These asanas are Paschimottanasana, Padmasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana and Shalabhasana. The patient should fully relax and should avoid mental anxiety and worry. Abdominal exercises and walking are also helpful.

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Diet Therapy
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