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Natural Remedy for Depression
Natural Remedy for Depression in Naturopathy consists of regulating the diet, exercise, scientific relaxation and meditation.

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Natural Remedy for Depression, NaturopathyNaturopathy offers a natural remedy to depression. Diet has a profound effect on the mental health of a person. Even a single nutritional deficiency can cause depression in vulnerable people. Activity and exercise also have a profound effect on the mental state of a person. Relaxation enables the muscles to work more efficiently and eliminates fatigue by promoting venous blood circulation throughout the body. Thus in naturopathy the treatment of depression consists of regulating the diet, exercise, scientific relaxation and meditation.

Diet Therapy for Depression
The diet of persons suffering from depression should entirely exclude tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate and cola, all white flour products, sugar, chemical additives, white rice and strong condiments. The diet should be restricted to three meals:
a) Fruits can be taken in the morning for breakfast with milk and a handful of nuts and seeds.
b) Lunch may comprise steamed vegetables, whole wheat chapattis and a glass of butter-milk.
c) For dinner, green vegetable salad and all accessible sprouts such as alfalfa seeds, cottage cheese or a glass of butter-milk would be best.

Exercises for Depression
The depressive mood can be defeated by activity. Those who are depressive will forget their misery by doing something or being active in their lifestyle. At home they can take to decorating, repairing or constructing something new. The pleasure of achievement overcomes the anguish of misery. Exercise also plays an important role in the treatment of depression. It not only keeps the body physically and mentally fit but also provides amusement and mental relaxation. Exercise produces chemical and psychological changes that improve mental health. Exercise may also recover the function of the autonomic nervous system. Exercise also gives a feeling of accomplishment and thus reduces the sense of vulnerability. Some form of active exercise, must be undertaken each day at a regular hour. Walking is one such exercise.Natural Remedy for Depression, Naturopathy

Yogic asanas such as Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Halasana, Paschimottanasana, Sarvangasana and Shavasana and pranayams like Kapalbhati, Anuloma-Viloma and Bhastrika are highly advantageous in the treatment of depression.

The patient must gain control over his nervous system and channelize his mental and emotional activities into relaxing harmonious vibrations. This can be achieved by ensuring sufficient rest and sleep under right conditions. The best method of relaxation is to practice Shavasana.

Meditation for Depression
Meditation involves training the mind to remain fixed on a certain external or internal location. Meditation will help create an amount of balance in the nervous system. Regularity of time, place and practice are very vital in meditation. Regularity conditions the mind to slowing down its activities with a minimum delay.

Bath Therapy for Depression
A neutral immersion bath therapy for one hour daily is also useful in the treatment of depression. This bath is administered in a bath tub which should be appropriately fitted with hot and cold water connections. The patient should lie in the tub after filling it with water at a temperature ranging from 92 degrees to 98 degrees Fahrenheit. The head should be kept cold with a cold compress.

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