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Nartiang Monoliths
In India, the Nartiang Monoliths are known to be the largest concentration of monoliths in one place.

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Nartiang Monoliths, MeghalayaThe Natiang Monoliths is located in the Jaintia Hills of the state of Meghalaya. These monoliths are upright structures carved from one single stone that serve as a monument or pillar.

Overview of Nartiang Monoliths
The Nartiang Monoliths were erected between 1500 AD and 1835 AD. As per the local legends, the tallest monolith amongst the cluster of the Nartiang Monoliths is the "Moo long Syiem", which is about 8 m long and was erected by U Mar Phalyngki, who was a trusted lieutenant of a Jaintia king. This monolith was erected to commemorate his victory in battle.

Visiting Information on Nartiang Monoliths
The Nartiang Monoliths are a popular place of tourism in the Jaintia Hills district. The nearest railway station to the monoliths is at Guwahati at a distance of 153 km and the Shillong Airport is the closest at a distance of 67 km from the Nartiang Monoliths.

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