A multitude of towns and cities have flourished in the heartland of Indian subcontinent. There is also no dearth of cities in the state of Haryana as well. Amongst several cities that have developed here one can easily distinguish the significance of Narnaund. It has its location in the district of Hisar of the same state of India.
To know a city it is essential for any one to get acquainted with its location details. So far as Narnaund is concerned, it lies approximately at 29.22° N 76.15° E. It rises to an average height of 208 meters or 682 feet above the mean sea level.
There are several demographers who are working day and night so that they could throw some light on the demographical scenario of Narnaund. After conducting several surveys and research works they have succeeded in bringing out numerous reports. In this regard a special reference may be made of the Census report that has been published in the year 2001. As has been mentioned in this report, Narnaund has showed a population count of 15,114. By analyzing this report in details one also can infer certain data like literacy rate, population status that are related to Narnaund`s demography. Here males are more in number than that of females. In other words, 54 % and 46 % are male and female population status of Narnaund. In Narnaund, 15 % of the population is below six years of age.
From this report one also can decipher literacy situation of Narnaund as well. Thus the average literacy rate of Narnaund constitutes 57 %. Thus it is lower than that of India, which has showed a mark of 59.5 %. To be specific, male literacy is 67 %. In comparison female literacy of Narnaund is 44 % only.
From the perspective of the whole district few information about Hisar can be identified. Being an integral part of the district is obvious that people of Narnaund too follow the same trend and tradition to some extent. To meet the requirements of their day to day living, people also have taken up the profession of cultivation. Crops like cotton, wheat, paddy, gram, bajra, barley, Guar, Jawar and many more are produced in ample quantities.