Narendra Nagar is located 16 kilometres from Rishikesh. Narendra Nagar is one of the most beautiful villages of Uttarakhand. The vast continent of India houses multitudes of cities and towns that have flourished here over the years. The state of Uttarakhand also is not an exception in this matter. Amongst several cities one can easily distinguish the importance of Narendra Nagar. In fact it is an example of a city, which lies in the Tehri Garhwal district of the same state of India. Also a municipal board has been established so that the administration can be looked after quite well. Narendra Nagar lies 15 km north of Rishikesh. Narendra nagar is considered as a hillside hamlet.
Location of Narendra Nagar
Narendra Nagar is situated at 16kms from Rishikesh at an elevation of 1,322metres over sea-level. This place is a charming hamlet offering panoramic views of the Ganga river and the Doon valley.
Population of Narendra Nagar
According to census report 2001, Narendra Nagar has showed a population count of 4796. Just like other places in India, male populace of Narendra Nagar constitutes 59 %. In comparison, the females are less, thereby constituting 41 % only. Also 11 % of the total population of Narendra Nagar constitutes of children who are below six years of age.
Literacy rate of Narendra nagar
For identifying a city the literacy condition of Narendra Nagar too is quite significant. Since its average literacy rate has shown a high literary measurement it can be inferred that development has more or less occurred in Narendra Nagar. Thus 82 % is the average literacy rate of Narendra Nagar, which is even higher than the entire nation. India`s average literacy rate constitutes 59.5 %. Specifications about male and female literacy rates too can be deciphered. Male literacy constitutes 86 %. Female literacy rate comprises of 74 %, which is also no less insignificant. Education has been given priority by both males and females who are residing in Narendra Nagar.
History of Narendra Nagar
The scholars also have highlighted historical heritage of Narendra Nagar. According to this report, it was the former capital of the rulers of Tehri Garhwal. King Tehri Narendra Singh formed this Narendra Nagar. In fact the city had been named after him. It was the venue of historical events. Till date numerous remnants are found here which bore resemblance to those gala items.
Tourist Spots in Narendra Nagar
The places of interests also have been found here. The Royal Palace, closed to the public, is a landmark. Picturesque locale is another reason for drawing the tourists from far off places. The famous Ananda Spa is situated in Narendra nagar. Kunjpura is an attractive place on top of a hillock near Narendra Nagar which gives an enchanting view of the majestic Himalayas.
There is also a statue of Nandi bull here. This statue is considered to be the largest statue of Nandi bull of Lord Shiva located in northern India. This artistic statue was sculpted by Avtaar Singh Panwaar in 1960.
Transport in Narendra Nagar
To facilitate accessibility, Narendra Nagar remains connected via airports and railways. From Narendra Nagar one can reach airport at Dehradun. It lays at a distance of 42 km. Rishikesh Railway Station also lies in close proximity.