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Mukund Ramrao Jayakar
Mukund Ramrao Jayakar significantly contributed towards the success of the Indian freedom struggle. Later he was became the Vice Chancellor of the University of Poona.

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Mukund Ramrao Jayakar, also known as Dr. M. R. Jayakar, was one of the most well known Indian freedom fighters who fought against the British Empire in India in order to attain national independence. He significantly contributed towards the success of the Indian freedom struggle. Later he was became the Vice Chancellor of the University of Poona (Pune). Jayakar was born on 13 November 1873. He successfully completed his LL.B. from Bombay in the year 1902 and become barrister at London in 1905. Mukund Ramrao Jayakar was enrolled as advocate of the Bombay High Court in the year 1905. Along with Muhammad Ali Jinnah, he served as the Director of Bombay Chronicle.

Mukund Ramrao Jayakar became a member of the Bombay Legislative Council and remained as apart of the council from the year 1923 to 1925. He was later appointed as the leader of the Swaraj Party or Swarajya Party, which was established as the Congress Khilafat Swarajaya Party. The party was founded in the year 1923 in India and sought better political and self government freedoms for the people of the nation from the rule of the British administration. Mukund Ramrao Jayakar was also member of Central Legislative Assembly. He was appointed as Judge of Federal Court of India at Delhi in the year 1937. Dr. M. R. Jayakar joined the Constituent Assembly of India in December 1946.

Mukund Ramrao Jayakar died on 10th March 1959, at the age of 86, in Bombay.

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