Mudgal Fort in Raichur District had been built on a hillock and the fortifications of the fort were built on the plains. Along with the walls, houses of the kings were also built on the hillock.
Mudgal Fort is also one of the important historical places of interest. The outer fortifications of Mudgal cover an area of half a square mile. The outer fort has a wide moat, which is filled with water. The width of the moat varies, being as much as 50 yards at several places. Behind the moat, there is a scarp with a row of bastions. From the arrangement of the existing fort, it is apparent that the fort was rebuilt after the inventions of guns. The courses of masonry at several places are of Hindu style, but the arch-shaped parapet is of Muslim design. The moat and the row of bastions together are a treat for the eyes of an onlooker.
In the Mudgal Fort there is another gateway on the western side, behind the narrow passage of which there is a second gateway with an arch. The walls there have been constructed following a cyclopean style. On either side of the passage of the gateway there are the rooms of the guard. There is a third gateway to the left of the second gate, which is also arched in shape, but the apex, is filled up with masonry. The third gateway is more massive in construction than the other two, the guard`s room attached to its passage also being more spacious. There is a mosque near this gateway, which consists of a double-pillared hall, the pillars being of Hindu design. On the opposite side of the road are the remains of the Naubat Khana. On the way to the Bala Hisar is the gun-powder store house, where, at one end, two compartments have been built for the storage of gun-powder.
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