Pondicherry, also known as Puducherry serves as an abode to a number of religious centers throughout the city. The devotional centers in Pondicherry are of great antiquity. Pondicherry is therefore considered to be a popular destination for pilgrims. People of Pondicherry believe in the concept of peace. They consider all the religions to be valuable and these religions are revered by them. It is known that these religious centers were built during the rule of Chola dynasty between 10th and 12th century. Religious centers were also constructed in villages and were devoted to local saints, deities and fakirs. Churches are known to be quite popular in Pondicherry. But it is important to note that mosques are also a part of the devotional centers in Pondicherry and they enjoy the same level of popularity as the churches. In fact, these mosques are a vital part of the heritage of Pondicherry. They testify to the essence and growth of Islam in the city. Like many other religious centers in Puducherry, these mosques are quite old and the religious practices are known to be conducted in them with a lot of devotion and loyalty. The various mosques in Pondicherry are the Khutba Mosque, the Meeran Mosque and the Masthan Saheb Darga.
Khutba Mosque
The Khutba Mosque was constructed in the 17th-century. The word Kuthbha stands for "formal occasion for public preaching" in Arabic. Kuthba Mosque is also recognized as the Mulla Mohammad Mosque. It is a Margaz of Tablighi Jamaat in Pondicherry. It has the distinction of being the first mosque in Pondicherry. This mosque is a famous mosque in the city.
The area of the Khuthbhapalli when came under the control of the French was categorized as the "White Area". For this very reason, an order was circulated according to which, the Khutba Mosque and the entire Islamic society would have to be shifted to the southern end of the city. Khutba Mosque was one such mosque. This mosque was initially built at the present location of the Seventh Day School.
Khutba Mosque is a fine representation of the architectural style of France. It houses a beautiful fresh water pool, a small pond with fishes, clean hall, Ramjan fasting food cooking hall and Jenesha in it. It is important to note that the mosque has been built facing Mecca, the most respected pilgrimage for Muslims. Khutba Mosque is a home to the dargah of Moulla Saiubum. It is believed that the mosque has derived its name from the dargah of Moulla Saiubha Kuthba. Mulla Mohammed Mosque is part of the Khutba Mosque. Prayer sessions are held on a daily basis in the mosque. Special prayers are held on Fridays. This mosque is generally thronged by Tamil speaking Muslims. Islamic festivals are celebrated in this mosque with a lot of passion. During the festivals, Khutba Mosque is lightened and decorated. This mosque is thronged by a plethora of pilgrims to witness the festivities in the mosque. Khutba Mosque is considered to be a fine representation of India"s secular tradition, born prior to colonial rule in India.
Meeran Mosque
Meeran Mosque is an ancient mosque of Pondicherry. As per estimations, this mosque was constructed almost three hundred and fifty years ago. It has been given the status of being the second oldest mosque in the whole of Pondicherry. In has been recorded in the pages of history that this mosque was built by the Arcot Nawabs. This mosque is also known by the local name of Meerapalli. Meeran Mosque is a fine representation of the medieval Islam architecture. More specifically, the basic structure of the Meeran Mosque is based on the Gothic Islamic style of architecture. It has a majestic dome, below which are four pillars providing support to the structure of the mosque. The mosque has the Meerhath and the Meember. There is a Kalima slab located just above the Meerhath. This mosque has a colorful facade minaret which is adorned by a bronze Kalasa. This bronze Kalasa is situated on top of the minaret. This mosque is also a home to the graves of Meeran and Suubhi Errai Perrar Mullah. There are prayer sessions held in the mosque on a daily basis. They are attended by devotees as well as locals.
Masthan Saheb Darga
Masthan Saheb Darga is known to be dedicated to a famous Sufi saint namely, Masthan Saheb Syed Dawood Buhari. Masthan Saheb Syed came from Buhara to Karaikal district of Pondicherry, about two centuries ago. He is known to have performed various miracles. The Kandhuri Festival is celebrated here every year in the month of November in order to honor Masthan Saheb. This festival is being celebrated by the devotees of the mosque for the past 170 years. This festival is marked by hoisting of a flag on a tall pole, which is reminiscent of a ship mast. Kandhuri Festival is celebrated for about ten days. This festival ends with a sparkle of floats illuminated with electric colors.
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