Maram Pitti game, also known as Picchi Banti in Telugu, is an Indian version of dodgeball game. The game is played with a rubber ball or a tennis ball by a small group (typical 5-6) in a small enclosed area. Maram Pitti cal is also played solo or duo or in teams of three and more.
Etymology of Maram Pitti
Maram means to hit and Pitti means to strike. Picchim means mad in Telugu and Banti means ball.
Method of Playing Maram Pitti
One person will hit the ball to the other person without moving from the position. The game will continue till only one player is left, who will win the game. In huge groups, two players are chosen as the winners. The game starts by throwing the ball directly in the air by a chosen player. The ball should bounce for three times before the player picks it up. In most cases, hitting directly on the head is not allowed.
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