Mangolik is a renowned theatre company of West Bengal, and is also registered theatre group that has been successful in maintaining its prominence for the last 40 years. Over the span of 40 odd years, Mangolik have staged several productions successfully and immensely contributed towards betterment of Bengali theatre. Over the vast period of time, they have successfully staged several productions, some of which have been performed for nearly 300 times. Mangolik has organized a number of theatre festivals and seminars as well as has been invited to participate in copious significant theatre festivals held at various parts of India.
Bhumidaan, Motilaal Padri, Swapno Chor, Sesh Nouko, Mnaush Bhoot, Banku Bahu Phire Elen, Haroon-Al-Rashid are some of the essential production of this group, Mangolik. This theatre group has also organized a numerous Theatre seminars and festivals and has also participated in significant theatre festival held at various parts of India. Currently, the group is performing "Banku Babu Phire Elen" and "Manush Bhoot".
Manush Bhoot, bases on the novel of Syed Mustafa Siraj, is a famous production of Mangolik running for the last 19 years. The story is about a comedy that contends with common human vices like hypocrisy and dishonestly, greed and wealth. This a simple form of a story where a man is actually presumed to be dead, returns in person and raises his voice against all the social evils in a village.
Bonku Babu Phire Elen is actually a social drama by popular playwright named Mohit Chhattopadhyaya. The story revolves around a small family and how they tackle the situation when the past of the wife haunts the family. It raises pertinent questions regarding the judicial systems of India.
Some of the forthcoming works of Mangolik are "Malla Bhumi" and "Kestopurer Jamaibabu".