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Maharaj Ghulam Hussain Kathak
Maharaj Ghulam Hussain Kathak was born in Kolkata in the year 1905. he successfully promoted Kathak dance form in Pakistan.

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Maharaj Ghulam Hussain Kathak, Indian Kathak DancerMaharaj Ghulam Hussain Kathak was born in the year 1905 in Kolkata and successfully popularized the dance form in Pakistan. He had produced successful students in the Kathak Dance form.

He moved to Pakistan after partition of India and stayed in Karachi for many years until shifting to Lahore in the later part of his life. While in India, he was a disciple of Acchan Maharaj, the father of Birju Maharaj. In 1937 at musical conference in Banaras, he was bestowed with the title "Maharaj Kathak" by his gurus, in the presence of eminent dancers and singers.

He has been a chief exponent in the dance teaching of classical kathak dance in Pakistan, for over four decades

Legacy of Maharaj Ghulam Hussain Kathak
He was the guru and mentor for dancer Nahid Siddiqui. Fasih ur-Rehman, who was a follower and disciple of Maharaj Ghulam Hussain Kathak has been, for the last 25 years, carrying on the legacy of the great Kathak maestro through sheer hard work, self-discipline and dedication.

Death of Maharaj Ghulam Hussain Kathak
Maharaj Ghulam Hussain Kathak died in the year 2001.

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