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Magnets in Homoeopathy
Magnet is largely used in homeopathy and naturopathy.

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The founder of Homeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann recommended the use of magnets in treating various diseases. Three varieties of magnetic medicines in Homoeopathy were also introduced by him. He has also written about the use of the three magnetic medicines in detecting and proving various diseases.

The use of magnets for the treatment of different human ailments, in a regular way was not given by any other branch of medical science other than in homeopathy and naturopathy. The principles of magnetotherapy and practice of Acupuncture or Acupressure seems to have close resemblance. The various `Acupuncture points` are also considered as the `magnetic points` for application of magnets on the human body. In the same way, naturopathy also utilises the forces of nature including electricity in correcting the various human disorders, which has close similarity with different aspects of magnetotherapy. The greatest universal force of magnetism is applied in the process of treatment through magnetotherapy. This new idea of treatment has now become the topic of research by various scientific professionals. The experts in the field of magnetotherapy hope that this new approach would stimulate further thinking in the professionals and researchers, which will open up new avenues for scientific research in this field.

The integrated application of the Homeopathy or Naturopathy with magnetotherapy in the allied medical sciences may help to break the disease deadlock in many cases, for the ultimate benefit of the sick humanity. This allied treatment can make the magnetic treatment more easy and practicable. All inventions, fresh devices and new schemes in the medical arena were introduced on the basis of accumulated experiences and experiments of a number of people, sometimes of several generations. Magnetotherapy has also been developed in course of long time and many physicians, researchers and scientists have contributed towards its development. And all these contributions have been in support of the use of magnets and the magnetotherapy in Homeopathy and naturopathy.

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