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Magnetism in Blood of Human Body
The iron content in the blood in human body makes it paramagnetic in character.

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Magnetism in Blood of Human BodyThe magnetic power in human blood influences the therapeutic effects of human ailments. The magnetic force works on the human body through the circulatory system. It is important to know the functions of the blood, the heart and the circulatory system to know the method of magnetic treatment.

The blood is a fluid in human body that circulates through the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins. It carries nourishment and oxygen to the tissues of the body and takes away waste matter and carbon dioxide from them.

The body of a healthy human adult consists of about 5-6 litres of blood. It weighs about one-thirteenth or one-fourteenth of the total body weight. A single molecule of haemoglobin of blood has approximately 10,000 atoms, of which 4 are iron. These iron atoms contain enough iron to make the red blood cells weakly paramagnetic so that they are influenced by magnetic fields.

When the magnets are brought in contact with the body, it affects the blood and exercises their beneficial influence on all the diseases of the human body, through the blood circulatory system. The various clinical studies held in various medical institutions have proved that the magnetic flux promotes health and provides energy by eliminating disorders in the various systems working in the human body.

The Magnetic effect in human blood stimulates circulation and building new cells to rejuvenate the tissues of the body. The magnetic flux greatly affects magnetic substances like iron and oxygen in the human blood as a result the haemoglobin in the blood vessels moves actively to affect the activated circulation.

It is proved that the treatment with magnets increases the number of new sound blood corpuscles. It does not affect the ratio between the red blood corpuscles and the white blood corpuscles but inactive and decayed blood corpuscles are appropriately strengthened and more fresh vital blood is pumped into the system. The breathing action can also be improved by the magnetic power, which again results in prevention and cure of one disease connected with circulatory system i.e., bronchitis and asthma. A clinical study reveals that high blood pressure comes down by 20-30 mm Hg by using magnets for a week or two.

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