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Magnetic Therapy And Healing
Magnetic Therapy and Healing provides benefits that have been explored since their discovery. Magnets have been touted for their healing properties since ages. It offers a way for patients to treat, or even erase their chronic pain.

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Magnetic Therapy And HealingMagnetic Therapy and Healing has been proved through several physical and biological experiments with magnets that have provided enough evidence and guidance to the healing properties of Magnets. Through numerous experiments, many curative properties have been discovered in many applications. It has been observed in clinical practice with magnets that various patients suffering from disorders like insomnia and psychiatric problems show positive soothing effects when treated with permanent magnets.

Magnetic Therapy and Human Body
The continuous influence of terrestrial magnetism and the magnetism of the celestial bodies on lower and higher forms of life has established the fact that the human body is not only affected by magnetic force in various ways but also acts as a magnetic unit by itself. As a matter of fact, every cell in the human body is a micro magnet producing fluctuating magnetic fields day and night. Different organs of the body constitute specialized group of similar cells. Therefore, they tend to produce magnetic fields of incredible magnitude, which depends on the type of activity, i.e. work or rest.

Organs like the brain and the heart produce magnetic fields of very high intensities. There are certain assigned bio-magnetic values of different organs including the muscles and nerves. These values provide a wide range of information on the status of the health of organs.

Blood as the Healing Medium
The most significant medium of Magnetic healing is "Blood". This is so because, blood has been assigned the vital functions of nourishing various organs, carrying back the waste material, distribution and regulation of the natural fluids secreted by some organs, maintenance of the body temperature and help in respiration.

Magnetic Therapy And HealingIts property of conducting magnetism and a number of favourable changes in its properties through influence of magnetic field make it an ideal means to Magneto Therapy. These properties of blood help in improved circulation to various organs, resulting in an effective disposal of metabolic wastes. The application of magnets to the body and intake of Magnetized Water also help in back-dissolution and subsequent disposal of the morbid deposits of cholesterol and calcium.

This is how magnetism in blood when combined with bio-physio functions with the body delivers the most desired and convenient results in therapy.

Earth"s Magnetic Effect on Human Body
According to observations, it is during such phenomena, the occurrence of a number of diseases and growth in the cases of cardiovascular and neuro-psychic disorders hike. Studies showed that there was a marked increase in the cases of epidemic plague, diphtheria, grippe, cholera and meningitis during increased solar activity. It was also revealed that the multiplication and toxicity of the pathogenic organisms are considerably increased; blood clotting is accelerated and lymphocytes increase.

Scientists have also established a link between heart attacks and geomagnetic activity. The observations conclude that the admissions of heart cases in hospitals increased during days when the earth"s magnetic field fluctuated from its normal value to three or four times. The scientists believe that pulsating fields react with human heart or brain electrical potential and trigger heart attacks or psychiatric disturbances in persons who are not otherwise in perfect shape and condition.

Magnetic Effects on Human Body
In reference to magnetic healing, the effect of magnets is ensured to be safe and precise. Man-made permanent magnets have static and constant magnetic fields and have a stabilizing effect on the human beings. They also bring about harmony and equilibrium in the bio-magnetic potential of the body.

Every cell in the human body has a number of biological rhythms, which are inter-related with the rhythms of other cells. The state of health can be defined in terms of biorhythm as a balanced and synchronized pattern of the biological rhythms of different systems of the body. Similarly, disease can be defined as an altered state of the body in which the biological rhythm of different organs is disturbed. The basic approach of Magnetic Therapy is to restore the normal biological rhythm of the body by correcting the bio-magnetic potential of different organs. The various effects of Magnetic Therapy on different parts of a human body are hence discussed below:

Magnetic Therapy And Healing
Magnetic Effect on Fatty Tissues: Excessive fat is deposited in the body in the form of adipose tissue. This storage causes obesity, which in turn bestows many adverse consequences like diabetes, high blood pressure and high risk of heart impairment. Magnets are found to have a favourable effect on the adipose tissue and slowly dissolve the fats to lessen down the obesity factor. A regular use of magnets also helps in correcting the inherent tendency of certain individuals to the formation and deposition of the adipose tissue.

Magnetic Effect on Glands: Glands are the most important chemical contributors for the proper functioning of body organs. Proper functioning of these glands is important for normal development and growth of various organs. Deficiency or over-secretion of these hormones by these gland results in severe diseases likes goitre, dwarfism, gigantism, mental deficiency and sterility in women. Positive effects of magnet have been found on these glands by way of regulation of their functioning and thus prevention and rational cure of the above-mentioned diseases.

Magnetic Effect on Respiration: Good respiration is closely associated with improved circulation of blood and oxygenation and vice versa. The result being that diseased conditions like congestion of lungs, bronchitis and asthma show marked relief in the symptoms. The South Pole of a magnet has the power to reopen the congested lung structures, expand the tissues, improve breathing and bring relief in painful conditions such as bronchitis. Visible results can be achieved in the treatment of asthma through the application of magnets.

Magnetic Effects on Heart: Conditions like palpitation can be effectively controlled if a magnet is applied regularly to the right hand. The normal elasticity of the arteries and arterioles can be restored if regular use of a magnet and magnetized water is made. The regular use of magnet helps the blood in dissolving the morbid deposits of the cholesterol and calcium, which cause hardening of the walls of the vessels namely, arteriosclerosis and sclerosis.

Magnetic Effect on Concentration and Memory: Magnets impart tremendous boost to various faculties of brains such as memory, intelligence, concentration and understanding. A soothing effect of magnets is also noticed in insomniacs who cannot sleep due to mental tension and worries.

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