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Lumbar Spondylosis
Lumbar Spondylosis is a condition in which a person feels pain at the lower end of the back. Old age or prior injury generally causes lumbar spondylosis.

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Lumbar Spondylosis, Joint and Muscle AilmentLumbar Spondylosis is a state where the affected person feels pain in the lower portion of his back due to deteriorative changes in the inter-vertebral discs and facet joints. It affects people normally above 40 years of age. Generally, various vertebrae levels are involved in lumbar spondylosis. The lumbar spine carries a majority of the weight of the body; hence, chronic forces constitute the function and structure of this part of the spine. Spondylosis is usually portrayed by movement of one vertebra over other, which leads to the contracting of the canal. The nerves which venture out of the spine get compressed and thus the affected individual acquires the symptom.

Causes of Lumbar Spondylosis
There are a number of causes of lumbar spondylosis, which include sitting in a position for prolonged periods, physical injury to the spinal region, lifting of heavy weights frequently, etc. Even obesity and genetic factors play a major role in stimulating this condition. The major cause of lumbar spondylosis is largely aging. Certain chemical and biological changes affected tissues all over the body to deteriorate. Other reasons include the slippage of one vertebra on another. It is characterized with misalignment and consequent narrowing of the canal. This slippage is known as "Spondylolisthesis".

Symptoms of Lumbar Spondylosis
Symptoms of lumbar spondylosis can be pain, stress or heaviness in back, legs and foot. Most patients complain of suffering from stiffness in the morning. Pain and stiffness felt in the lower end at the back radiates in the direction of the buttocks, which leads to sciatica, a serious symptom. This can also be accompanied by some change in the activity of the bladder and the bowel. A patient suffering from this type of disease may also experience muscle spasms and tingling accompanied by the back pain. The extremities get numb or might experience Paresthesia.Lumbar Spondylosis, Joint and Muscle Ailment

Diagnosis of Lumbar Spondylosis
For the clinical diagnosis of lumbar spondylosis, a thorough investigation is necessary to ensure. A thorough physical test including tests like X-rays, CT scans, and blood and urine tests can help diagnose the problem.

Treatment of Lumbar Spondylosis
The treatment of lumbar spondylosis varies with regard to the actual cause and the exact region affected by lumbar spondylosis. General treatments such as – ultrasound treatment, anti-inflammatory medicines and muscle relaxants, metal supports or braces, proper physical therapy help to reduce the pain. However, a number of simple changes can help a person to get relief from the symptoms and pain. Regular exercise, giving up smoking and modifying work habits can also help.

Natural cures, such as water treatment, applying wet pack after having steam over the affected region also provides immediate relief. A change in diet and using a hard bed and over it a thin mattress are recommended treatments of lumbar spondylosis. If the situation is more serious, surgical methods may be applied to improve condition. Treatment of lumbar spondylosis can be done by Yoga Asanas such as Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana as well as Surya Namaskar.

Lumbar spondylosis is a disorder that prevents an individual from carrying on a proper lifestyle. Thus, appropriate diagnosis and treatment are required to be prescribed to control and prevent the ailment.

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