Benefits of Lodestone are immense and they help the wearer in many ways. Lodestones are magnetized stones. Lodestones are made up of special type of iron ore called the Magnetite.
The iron ore, Magnetite, itself is not magnetic in nature, but a magnetite piece that is magnetic in nature is known as lodestone. There are many reasons that may be responsible for the magnetic property of Lodestone. To make a piece of Magnetite magnetized the piece of iron ore must b exposed to magnetic fields.
The magnetic field of the earth is not strong enough so alternate source must be looked into. One of the popular ways to make it magnetized is by lighting strikes on the Magnetite thus causing the particle of Magnetite to align in the right way to produce a magnetic field.
It must be said that the first ever compass, that was made 200 years ago, was made using Lodestones. If a long piece of lodestone is suspended freely then it will rotate until it comes in line with the pole of the earth. Until then there are many versions of the compass that have been made using this technique.
Health Benefits of Lodestones/Magnets
If we go through the history of Lodestone then we will see that it has had a lot to contribute towards the healing effects of the body. Even today, there are people who believe that magnets can actually cure certain ailments.
Other Special Powers Attributed to Lodestones
Lodestones have a lot to offer to people and it is a sought after gemstone for many years. People believe that this stone has the power to attract the good things in life and absorb the bad. This stones have been in use in spells and rituals or carried for attracting mates, for luck, for success, to absorb negativity of the person etc.
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