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Leucorrhoea is another common female disorder and it is the condition of the white discharge or `whites` in women.

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LeucorrhoeaLeucorrhoea is another common female disorder and it is the condition of the white discharge or `whites` in women. This condition is especially prevalent in anemic women or those of poor health. Its main symptoms are following:

The discharge may be milky white, yellowish or even bluish in color. If neglected it may produce ulceration.

•Itching and infection in vagina

•Feeling of weakness and tiredness

•Gloomy mental status

•Loss of appetite

Constipation and Indigestion

•Loss of weight

Causes of Leucorrhoea:
Intake of polluted, heavy and pungent food, including the consumption of non-veg, spicy and oily food substances and destructive thinking etc. are the main causes of this disease.

This disease is also more popular in the females of rich families of the cities because they are less active and their meals are much heavier. The total absence of physical exercise and labour enhances the sexual desire, which results in excessive sexual indulgence. Due to indigestion of the food taken, it gradually putrefies all the systems of body and packs them up with morbid matter, giving rise to diseases like leucorrhoea.

This disease also develops due to improper hygiene of the vaginal region. Some of the main causes of this trouble in women and young girls are rheumatism, excessive coitus, repeated abortion, uterine infection and cancer.

Headache, pallor and constipation may frequently accompany this overdischarge. Occasionally children also suffer from this disorder either due to lack of cleanliness or due to threadworm infestation.

Leucorrhoea Treatment of Leucorrhoea by Nature Cure:
The treatment of this disease should be started with fruit diet including papaya, sweet lime, orange, chiku, guava and pear may be taken twice or thrice a day. A glass of lemon water may be taken in the morning. After the fruit diet, the meals consisting of whole wheat bread and green vegetables should be started. Dalia and Moong dal may also be taken.

•Vagina should be washed daily with Neem water.

•Practice of enema is also necessary for cleansing the stomach.

•Mudpack over abdomen, Hipbath daily in the morning and Sitz bath daily evening are its excellent treatment.
The clothings should not be very tight, instead wearing loose and cotton clothes may have quick benefit to cure this disorder.

Treatment of Leucorrhoea by Yogic Asanas:

•Kunjala, Jala Neti, Shankha Pi-akshalana and Baghi Kriya once a month upto three months should be practised.

•Regular practice of Surya Namaskara, Yoga Mudra, Garbhasana, Pashchimottanasana, Suptavajrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Uttanpadasana, Chakrasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana and Shavasana may also be practised.

•The practice of Nadi shodhana, Ujjayi and Shitali Pranayama is beneficial. Uddiyana and Mulbandha Kriya is also useful in this disease.

Treatment of Leucorrhoea by Magnetic Therapy:
The magnets should be applied to the soles of feet for 20 minutes daily in the morning. In addition, the parts may be washed regularly with soft soap and North-pole water. All women, especially the ones with broken health or anaemia, should intake Mixed magnetized water thrice daily.

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