The popular soap Kulvaddhu is the story of a simple girl and how she takes the challenges of her fate. It was broadcasted as a big-ticket soap on Sony Television. Another popular television actress Daljit Kaur enacts the lead role in the soap. This soap was first aired on 19th December at 8:30 p.m. this daily is produced by the actor-turned-producer Anuj Saxena`s Maverick Productions. The cast and crew of Kulvaddhu comprised of other talented actors like Milind Gunaji, Kitu Gidwani, Rajesh Kumar, Shaleen Bhanot, Imran Khan, Suhasini Mulay, Surbhi Tiwari, Chetan Pandit and Sushmita Mukherjee among other gifted actors.
Kulvaddhu was expected to be a very promising show as it was churned out by Anuj Saxena who himself has made a mark in the television industry by his strong and powerhouse performances. The story in fact showcases a simple girl who is born and brought up in Jodhpur. Her destiny brings her to the crossroads of holding the reigns of the powerful and opulent Rathore family as the widowed `bahu` or daughter-in-law of their only son Shourya while the reality was that she was not even married to him. The whole soap was woven into the canvas of love, tradition and Rajasthani folklore. The show also featured the bigwigs and the new faces of the television industry on the same plane. The daily was also different in the sense that it featured a girl who was different from the rest of her age by the means of her remarkable will. She has always given preference to her heart than her brains in the matter of taking any decisions. Inspite of the fact that the feedback of the show was brilliant, the show went off air after a short span.