The Kleev Yog is an important part of the subject of palmistry. The palmists nowadays also attached special importance to the Kleev yog. In the Kleev Yog the mount of Venus provides the important support. In the combination of Kleev yog the palm has a `girdle of Venus` and the line of Mercury has contact with the line of Saturn. There is also a triangle in the middle of the palm and it has point on it. Sometimes there is a yellow-colored star mark on the mount of Venus or the Mount of Moon is very weak and has a mark of triangle. If there is contact between the line of Saturn and the line of Moon and the fingers are of medium size then this combination is also called Kleev Yog.
Considering the result of the Kleev yog the palmists has opined that the Kleev is extremely inauspicious. A person born with Kleev Yog is found to be coward, weak and impotent. He cannot satisfy his wife in the sexual act. Such individuals are always found to be a subservient and his wife always dominates him. Being coward such people cannot complete task properly and they hesitate to initiate any new tasks. Such a man does not believe in quarrels and spends his life under the dominance of others.
Several points should also be noted while studying the Kleev Yog on an individual`s hand. The Kleev Yog can prove detrimental for several cases. If there is the best combination of Raj Yog or one of the Pancha Maha Purush Yog and also the Kleev Yog, then the Kleev Yog destroys the good characteristic of all the good combinations. Such a man is compelled to live an ordinary life.
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Hand, Plamistry | Thumb | Handprints for Plamistry |
Fingers | Lines of Hand | Yog |
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Mounts | Knots |