Karikili Bird Sanctuary is one of the famous bird sanctuaries located in Kanchipuram District in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is situated close to the small town of Padalam and is almost 86 Kms from Chennai in Madurantakam Taluk of Chengai Anna District. Chengalpattu is the nearest town from Karikili Bird Sanctuary. The sanctuary is spread over an area of 61.21 ha and comprises of two rain fed irrigation tanks. The sanctuary is one of the most beautiful and tranquil place to visit. The sanctuary is a habitat for many migratory birds like billed storks that arrive here during the months from September and October. It is also a haven for ducks and waders.
Fauna of Karikili Bird Sanctuary
Karikili Bird Sanctuary houses a variety of birds like Cormorants, Egrets, Grey Heron, Open billed stork, Darter, Spoonbill, White lbris, Night Herons, Grebes, Grey Pelican, Shovellers, Pintails, Stilts and Sandpipers. Pintailed ducks, Garganey teals, common teals, Little Grebe or Dab chick and Egrets are the other avian visitors migrate to his sanctuary during the winter months.
Karikili Bird Sanctuary also serves as an ideal picnic spot. Tourists and nature lovers can enjoy their time here in the midst of the chirping noises of the birds. The best time to visit the sanctuary is during the months from November to February.
Karikili Bird Sanctuary is well connected with all modes of transport. Tourists who wish to travel by road from Chennai can take the national highway no. 45 to Chengalpattu and then head south towards Padalam junction. They can also avail the State transport buses that ply between Chennai, Tambaram and Chengalpattu. The nearest airport is located at Meenambakkam in Chennai. The nearest railway station is situated at Chengalpattu. The best option is to travel in one`s own car or hire taxi from Chennai.
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