The vast continent of India is thronged with towns and cities that have developed over the years. It is a nagar panchayat town that is situated in the district of Mainpuri of Uttar Pradesh state of India. Strategically, Karhal lies approximately at 27.03° N 78.94° E. It has an average height of 159 meters or 521 feet.
A study of a town in India is incomplete unless and until one gets information about the demographical scenario of Karhal. With the motive of getting demographical information, several demographers have carried on surveys and research works. On the basis of the surveys they also have prepared reports. Amongst them, the Census report has been enumerated to be 24,529. Out of it, male populace constitutes of 52 percent, while the population of females comprises of 48 percent.
Literacy rate too acts as vital information about Karhal. It is noted that the average literacy rate of Karhal constitutes of 55 percent, which is lower than that of the entire nation. 59.5 percent is the average literacy rate of India. However there is difference between literacy rates of male and female. Thus male literacy rate constitutes of 61 percent. Female literacy rate is less, constituting of 49 percent only. In Karhal town, 18 percent constitutes of the total population is below six years of age.